import WimPyDD as WD import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as pl na,i=nai.element #N.B. using the DAMA_LIBRA target sodium and iodine have the quenching attribute: # 'quenching' in dir(na) -> True # 'quenching' in dir(i) -> True # the routine diff_rate interprets the argument er as electron-equivalent energy # E_ee=Q(E_R)*E_R with Q the quenching and E_R the nuclear recoil energy. # On the other hand: # 'quenching' in dir(WD.Na) -> False # 'quenching' in dir(WD.I) -> False # i.e. the pre-defined targets do not have quenching information. # if used in diff_rate the argument er is interpreted as nuclear recoil energy. #Define Hamiltonian in terms of two parameters: the effective scale M and r=cn/cp # (ratio of WIMP-neutron over WIMP-proton couplings) wc={1: lambda M, r=1 : [(1.+r)/M**2, (1-r)/M**2] } SI_M=WD.eft_hamiltonian('SI_M',wc) er_vec=np.linspace(0.1,20,100) mchi=20. vmin,delta_eta0=WD.streamed_halo_function(n_vmin_bin=1000)# Maxwellian with standard parameters diff_rate=[WD.diff_rate(nai, SI_M, mchi, er, vmin, delta_eta0,M=1e3) for er in er_vec] # N.B the r parameter is not passed, default value r=1 used. # N.B.2 also the argument exposure is not passed, so the rate is normalized to events/kg/day/keV. pl.plot(er_vec,diff_rate,'-b',label=r'$dR/dE_{ee}$, NaI') # loads response functions (j_chi=0.5 spin default value) # from the directory WimPyDD/Experiments/DAMA_LIBRA_2019/Response_functions/spin_1_2/ # since SI_M.coeff_squared_list -> [(1, 1)] # the file c_1_c_1.npy is loaded. WD.load_response_functions(WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019,SI_M,verbose=False) # before calling load_response_functions the dictionary attribute # WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019.response_functions is empty. After the call: # [(,spin) for hamiltonian,spin in WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019.response_functions.keys()] -> [('SI_M', 0.5)], i.e. the response functions for the SI_M hamiltonian and spin 1/2 are loaded. e_prime,s0=WD.wimp_dd_rate(WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019, SI_M, vmin, delta_eta0, mchi,M=1e3) #N.B the output is in events/kg/day/keV because in the WimPyDD/Experiments/DAMAthe exposure is set # to 1/delta_e, with delta_e the with of each bin: #WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019.exposure -> [2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0.125] pl.step(e_prime,s0,'-r',linewidth=2, label=r'$S^0_{[E^\prime_1,E^\prime_2]}$, NaI') pl.legend(loc='upper right', ncol=2,frameon=False,fontsize=13) pl.xlabel('E$^{\prime}$ or $E_{ee}$ (keV)') pl.ylabel(' $dR/dE_R$ (events/kg/day/keV)') pl.yscale('log')