import WimPyDD as WD import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as pl ### if WimPyDD is downloaded using the clone command the modification time of all files is lost ### and set to the cloning time. ### As a consequence when the routine load_response_functions is called WimPyDD issues a warning because ### the files with the integrated response functions do not appear to have been created after ### the input files containing the energy resolution, quenching, binning, exposure etc. ### calling the routine update_response_functions_time_stamps() solves this issue. WD.update_response_functions_time_stamps() pl.clf() xe=WD.Xe ### defines an array with recoil energy values er=np.linspace(0,1400,1000) # in keV ## loop over isotopes of Xe (the attributes xe.mass,xe.isotopes,xe.func_w are all arrays with one entry per isotope) for m,isotope,func_w in zip (xe.mass,xe.isotopes,xe.func_w): q_vec=np.sqrt(2*m*er*1e-6)# gets corresponding transferred monentum in GeV (required input for func_w functions) nn=WD.nuclear_current['Phi_prime_prime']# check WD.nuclear_currents.keys() tau=0 tau_prime=0 func_w_phi_prime_prime=[func_w(q)[nn,tau,tau_prime] for q in q_vec] pl.plot(er,func_w_phi_prime_prime,label=isotope) pl.title('$W^{00}_{\Phi^{\prime\prime}}$') pl.yscale('log') pl.legend() pl.clf() na,i=nai.element #N.B. using the DAMA_LIBRA target sodium and iodine have the quenching attribute: # 'quenching' in dir(na) -> True # 'quenching' in dir(i) -> True # the routine diff_rate interprets the argument er as electron-equivalent energy # E_ee=Q(E_R)*E_R with Q the quenching and E_R the nuclear recoil energy. # On the other hand: # 'quenching' in dir(WD.Na) -> False # 'quenching' in dir(WD.I) -> False # i.e. the pre-defined targets do not have quenching information. # if used in diff_rate the argument er is interpreted as nuclear recoil energy. #Define Hamiltonian in terms of two parameters: the effective scale M and r=cn/cp # (ratio of WIMP-neutron over WIMP-proton couplings) wc={1: lambda M, r=1 : [(1.+r)/M**2, (1-r)/M**2] } SI_M=WD.eft_hamiltonian('SI_M',wc) er_vec=np.linspace(0.1,20,100) mchi=20. vmin,delta_eta0=WD.streamed_halo_function()# Maxwellian with standard parameters diff_rate=[WD.diff_rate(nai, SI_M, mchi, er, vmin, delta_eta0,M=1e3) for er in er_vec] # N.B the r parameter is not passed, default value r=1 used. # N.B.2 also the argument exposure is not passed, so the rate is normalized to events/kg/day/keV. pl.plot(er_vec,diff_rate) # loads response functions (j_chi=0.5 spin default value) # from the directory WimPyDD/Experiments/DAMA_LIBRA_2019/Response_functions/spin_1_2/ # since SI_M.coeff_squared_list -> [(1, 1)] # the file c_1_c_1.npy is loaded. WD.load_response_functions(WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019,SI_M,verbose=False) # before calling load_response_functions the dictionary attribute # WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019.response_functions is empty. After the call: # [(,spin) for hamiltonian,spin in WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019.response_functions.keys()] -> [('SI_M', 0.5)], i.e. the response functions for the SI_M hamiltonian and spin 1/2 are loaded. e_prime,s0=WD.wimp_dd_rate(WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019, SI_M, vmin, delta_eta0, mchi,M=1e3) #N.B the output is in events/kg/day/keV because in the WimPyDD/Experiments/DAMAthe exposure is set # to 1/delta_e, with delta_e the with of each bin: #WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019.exposure -> [2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0.125] pl.step(e_prime,s0) pl.xlabel('E$^{\prime}$ or $E_{ee}$ (keV)') pl.ylabel(' $dR/dE_R$ (events/kg/day/keV)') pl.yscale('log') pl.clf() vmin,delta_eta1=WD.streamed_halo_function(yearly_modulation=True) # delta_eta1 for yearly modulation calculated setting yearly_modulation=True # # define Wilson coefficient c9 in terms of the reference cross section # sigma_ref=c9^2*mu_chi_n^2/pi, with mu_chi_n the WIMP-nucleon reduced mass, # and of r=c9^n/c9^p (WIMP-neutron over WIMP-proton ratio) # sigma_ref in cm^2 and c9 in GeV^-2. def c9_tau(mchi,cross_section,r): hbarc2=0.389e-27 mn=0.931 mu=mchi*mn/(mchi+mn) cp=(np.pi*cross_section/(mu**2*hbarc2))**(1./2.) return cp*np.array([1.+r,1.-r]) # instantiates the effective Hamiltonian containing only O9. c9=WD.eft_hamiltonian('c9',{9: c9_tau}) # best-fit values from Table 1 of rXiv:1804.07528. cross_section=8.29e-33 mchi=9.3 r=4.36 # load the response functions (j_chi=0.5 is the spin default value) WD.load_response_functions(WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019,c9,verbose=False) e,sm=WD.wimp_dd_rate(WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019, c9, vmin, delta_eta1,cross_section=cross_section, mchi=mchi , r=r) pl.plot(e,sm,'-k',linewidth=3) # modulation amplitudes measured by DAMA-LIBRA (from Fig. 11 of NUCL. PHYS. AT. ENERGY 19 (2018) 307-325) experimental_s1=np.array([0.0232 , 0.0164 , 0.0178 , 0.019 , 0.0178,0.0109, 0.011, 0.004, 0.0065, 0.0066,0.0009,0.0016,0.0007,0.0016, 0.00039922]) errors_on_s1=np.array([0.0052, 0.0043, 0.0028 , 0.0029 , 0.0028,0.0025 , 0.0022 , 0.002 , 0.002, 0.0019,0.0018 , 0.0018 , 0.0018 , 0.0018 , 0.00046397]) errors_on_energy=np.array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25,0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 4. ]) pl.errorbar(e,experimental_s1,yerr=errors_on_s1,xerr=errors_on_energy,fmt='none',ecolor='red') pl.xlabel('E$^{\prime}$ (keV)') pl.ylabel('$S^{1}_{[E_1^{\prime},E_2^{\prime}]}$ (events/kg/day/keV)') pl.clf() vmin,delta_eta1=WD.streamed_halo_function(yearly_modulation=True) # delta_eta1 for yearly modulation calculated setting yearly_modulation=True # # defines c_tau (in GeV^-2) in terms of the reference cross section # sigma_ref=|c_vec|^2*mu_chi_n^2/pi (in cm^2) # where c_vec=[c4^1,c4^2,c5^1,c5^2,c6^1,c6^2] # and mu_chi_n is the WIMP-nucleon reduced mass. def c_tau(mchi,sigma_ref,c_tilde): hbarc2=0.389e-27 mn=0.931 mu=mchi*mn/(mchi+mn) c_abs=(mu**2*hbarc2/(np.pi*sigma_ref))**(-0.5) return c_abs*c_tilde # c_tilde=c_vec/|c_vec| is the unit vector pointing in the direction of c_vec # that minimizes the tension with the DAMA modulation amplitudes c_tilde=np.array([-0.00139183, -0.00145925,-0.00318353, -0.01660634, 0.69199713, 0.72169939]) # values of WIMP mass, mass splitting and sigma_ref that minimize the tension with DAMA # modulation amplitudes mchi=11.64102564102564 delta=23.73913043478261 sigma_ref=4.684124873205523e-28 # calculates c_vec in terms of sigma_ref, mchi,c_tilde c_vec=c_tau(mchi,sigma_ref,c_tilde) # defines a Hamiltonian that maps mchi, sigma_ref and c_tilde into the couplings c_4^tau, c_5^tau, c_6^tau wc={4: lambda mchi,s,c: c_tau(mchi,s,c)[0:2],5: lambda mchi,s,c: c_tau(mchi,s,c)[2:4],6: lambda mchi,s,c: c_tau(mchi,s,c)[4:6]} c_456=WD.eft_hamiltonian('c_456',wc) # loads the response functions (j_chi=0.5 is default valu for spin) WD.load_response_functions(WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019,c_456,verbose=False) # calculates the modulation amplitudes in terms of mchi, sigma_ref and c_tilde e_vec,dama_th=WD.wimp_dd_rate(WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019,c_456,vmin,delta_eta1,mchi,delta=delta,s=sigma_ref,c=c_tilde) pl.plot(e_vec,dama_th,'-k',linewidth=1) # modulation amplitudes measured by DAMA-LIBRA (from Fig. 11 of NUCL. PHYS. AT. ENERGY 19 (2018) 307-325) experimental_s1=np.array([0.0232 , 0.0164 , 0.0178 , 0.019 , 0.0178,0.0109, 0.011, 0.004, 0.0065, 0.0066,0.0009,0.0016,0.0007,0.0016, 0.00039922]) errors_on_s1=np.array([0.0052, 0.0043, 0.0028 , 0.0029 , 0.0028,0.0025 , 0.0022 , 0.002 , 0.002, 0.0019,0.0018 , 0.0018 , 0.0018 , 0.0018 , 0.00046397]) errors_on_energy=np.array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25,0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 4. ]) pl.errorbar(e,experimental_s1,yerr=errors_on_s1,xerr=errors_on_energy,fmt='none',ecolor='red') pl.xlabel('E$^{\prime}$ (keV)') pl.ylabel('$S^{1}_{[E_1^{\prime},E_2^{\prime}]}$ (events/kg/day/keV)') pl.clf() vmin, delta_eta0=WD.streamed_halo_function() # defines c_1^tau=[c_1^0, c_1^1] in terms of the WIMP-nucleon cross section sigma_N=(c_N)^2*mu_chi_N^2/pi, with c_N=c_1^p=c_1^n, c_1^0=c_1^p+c_1^n, # c_1^1=c_1^p-c_1^n (for r=c_1^n/c_1^p=1) def c_tau_SI(sigma_N,mchi,cn_over_cp=1): hbarc2=0.389e-27 #(hbar*c)^2 in GeV^2 * cm^2 mn=0.931 mu=mchi*mn/(mchi+mn) return np.sqrt(np.pi*sigma_N/hbarc2)/mu*np.array([1+cn_over_cp,1-cn_over_cp]) SI=WD.eft_hamiltonian('Spin-independent',{1: c_tau_SI}) WD.load_response_functions(WD.XENON_1T_2018,SI,verbose=False) # uses built-in XENON_1T_2018 experiment mchi,sigma=WD.mchi_vs_exclusion(WD.XENON_1T_2018, SI,vmin, delta_eta0, n_points=20,mchi_scale='log') pl.plot(mchi,sigma,':r',label='WimPyDD') # published exclusion plot, from arXiv:1805.12562 mchi_xenon1t=np.array([ 6.38084285, 6.82568656, 7.38401692, 8.16949332, 9.14061906, 10.1129544 , 11.44291272, 13.39150131, 16.76448605, 19.61927374, 23.2195425 , 27.48048481, 31.80087168, 36.3894599 , 45.04623899, 54.52370581, 74.67422632, 102.2718466 , 160.27952577, 262.73153013, 376.36545636, 539.14715404, 705.96063944]) sigma_xenon1t=np.array([1.34339933e-44, 7.44380301e-45, 3.66524124e-45, 1.80472177e-45, 9.15247311e-46, 5.37983840e-46, 2.89426612e-46, 1.65176674e-46, 8.37677640e-47, 6.23550734e-47, 4.78065253e-47, 4.24820170e-47, 4.24820170e-47, 4.37547938e-47, 4.92388263e-47, 5.54102033e-47, 7.22727132e-47, 9.42668455e-47, 1.42510267e-46, 2.28546386e-46, 3.25702066e-46, 4.64158883e-46, 5.87801607e-46]) pl.plot(mchi_xenon1t,sigma_xenon1t,'-k',label='Published') pl.title('SI, XENON1T exclusion plot') pl.xscale('log') pl.yscale('log') pl.xlabel('$m_\chi$ (GeV)') pl.ylabel('$\sigma_p$ (cm$^2$)') pl.legend() pl.clf() vmin, delta_eta0=WD.streamed_halo_function() pl.clf() # defines the effective Hamiltonian for spin-independent interaction parameterizing the Wilson coefficients # interms of the effective scale M: c_1^tau=[c_1,c_1^1]=[c_1^p+c_1^n,c_1^p+c_1^n] with c_1^p=c_1^n=1/M^2 SI_M=WD.eft_hamiltonian('SI',{1: lambda M:1./M**2*np.array([2,0])}) # loads response functions for built-in experiment WD.XENON_1T_2018 (j_chi=0.5 defalult spin value) WD.load_response_functions(WD.XENON_1T_2018,SI_M,verbose=False) # calling mchi_vs_exclusion without passing M corresponds to setting M=1 (holds for any parameter without a default value # the rate is proportional to 1/M^4, so the exclusion plot is on the same quantity. mchi,one_over_M4=WD.mchi_vs_exclusion(WD.XENON_1T_2018, SI_M, vmin,delta_eta0,n_points=20,mchi_scale='log') # plots M=(1/M^4)^(-1/4) pl.plot(mchi,one_over_M4**(-1./4.)) pl.xlabel('$m_\chi$ (GeV)') pl.ylabel('$M$ (GeV)') pl.xscale('log') pl.yscale('log') ##### defines a Hamiltonian containing the full set of operators in the base of Anand et al. and test ##### WD.load_response_functions on the three pre-defined experiment objects WD.XENON_1T_2018, ###### WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019, WD.PICO60_2019 ## the full set of operators 1,3,...,15 coupling_list=np.delete(np.arange(1,16),1) # defines hamiltonian with "dummy" Wilson coefficients - just to test correct loading of tables wc={} for coupling in coupling_list: wc.update({coupling:lambda :[1,1]}) hamiltonian=WD.eft_hamiltonian('all_couplings',wc) WD.load_response_functions(WD.XENON_1T_2018,hamiltonian) WD.load_response_functions(WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019,hamiltonian) WD.load_response_functions(WD.PICO60_2019,hamiltonian) # plots the full set of nonvanishing response functions for XENON1T WD.plot_response_functions(WD.XENON_1T_2018,hamiltonian) # plots the full set of nonvanishing response functions for DAMA-LIBRA WD.plot_response_functions(WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019,hamiltonian) # plots the full set of nonvanishing response functions for PICO60 WD.plot_response_functions(WD.PICO60_2019,hamiltonian) print(hamiltonian) # plots the H(v) response function for halo-independent calculations vmin=np.linspace(1e-3,782,100) pl.clf() energy,h=WD.wimp_dd_rate(WD.XENON_1T_2018, WD.SI, vmin, 1/vmin, 100,sum_over_streams=False,sigma_p=9.066504208570347e-47) pl.plot(vmin,h[0]) pl.text(500,15,r'$m_{\chi}$ = 100 GeV',fontsize=12) pl.text(500,13,r'${\sigma}^p = 9.06 \times 10^{-47} cm^2$',fontsize=12) pl.xlabel(r'$v_{min}$ (km/s)',size=12) pl.ylabel('H(v) (events)',size=12)