![]() Getting StartedImport WiPyDD by typing: >>> import WimPyDD as WD WimPyDD provides three routines to calculate expected signals (click on each argument to learn more):
WD.load_response_functions(exp,hamiltonian) \(E_R\): nuclear recoil energy \(E_{ee}\): electron-equivalent energy=\(Q(E_R)E_R\) with \(Q(E_R)\) the quenchig factor \(E^{\prime} \): visible energy including the effect of the detector energy resolution. Inputs:
>>> WD.list_elements() WD.Al WD.Ar WD.C WD.Ca WD.F WD.Fe WD.Ge WD.H WD.He WD.I WD.Mg WD.N WD.Na WD.Ne WD.Ni WD.O WD.S WD.Si WD.W WD.Xe A summary of any WimPyDD object can be obtained using print(): >>> print(WD.Ge) germanium, symbol Ge, atomic number 32, average mass 67.691, 5 isotopes. The element class allows to implement new elements or modify existing ones. Define \(NaI\): >>> nai=WD.Na+WD.I or nai=WD.target('NaI')
Define \(C_3F_8\): >>>c3f8= WD.C*3+WD.F*8 or c3f8= WD.target('C3F8')
In WimPyDD two pre-defined Hamiltonians are provided, SI for a standard spin-independent coupling and SD for a spin-dependent interactions. The eft_hamiltonian class allows to implement a generic Hamiltonian \({\cal H}=\sum_{\tau=0,1} \sum_{j} c_j^{\tau}(w_i,q) {\cal O}_{j}^{\tau} \) either in the base of operators of Anand et al. or that of the operators of Gondolo et al. \[\eta^{(0,1)}(v)=\sum_{k=1}^{N_s}\delta\eta_k(t)\theta(v_k-v)\] with \(f(v)\), the WIMP velocity distribution, \(t_0\)=2 June, \(T\)=1 year (yearly modulation time-dependence due to rotation of the Earth around the Sun). They can be calculated using the streamed_halo_function routines: for \(\delta\eta^0\), >>> vmin,delta_eta0=WD.streamed_halo_function() and for \(\delta\eta^1\) by setting yearly_modulation=True, >>> vmin,delta_eta1=WD.streamed_halo_function(yearly_modulation=True) that by default returns 1000 linearly spaced values from 0 to the escape velocity of the \(\delta\eta^{(0,1)}_k\)'s for a standard Maxwellian velocity distribution \(f(\vec{v})\) with standard values of the Galactic parameters.
WimPyDD provides 3 built-in experiments: XENON_1T_2018, PICO60_2019 and DAMA_LIBRA_2019. Each experiment comes with a full set of integrated response functions tables in the base of operators of Anand et al. for WIMP spin \(j_\chi\)=1/2 and assuming Wilson coefficients independent on the transferred momentum. Default input: delta=0 (mass splitting \(\delta \)), j_chi=0.5 (WIMP spin \(j_\chi \))
Examples:Calculate cross section on the isotopes of germanium for a spin-independent interaction, \(m_\chi\)=100 GeV, \(E_R\)=10 keV, \(v\)=300 km/s, \(\sigma_p\)=10\(^{-40}\) cm\(^{2}\): >>> WD.dsigma_der(element=WD.Ge, hamiltonian=WD.SI, mchi=100, v=300, er=10, sigma_p=1e-40) array([1.56458629e-35, 1.69085823e-35, 1.75363554e-35, 1.81728074e-35, 1.94942935e-35]) The output is an array containing the cross section in cm\(^2\)/keV for each of the 5 isotopes of germanium: >>> WD.Ge.isotopes array(['70Ge', '72Ge', '73Ge', '74Ge', '76Ge']) Calculate differential rate on sodium iodide. In ionizators or scintillators the observed electron-equivalent energy is obtainined by multiplying the nuclear recoil energy off each element with a different quenching factor. However, built-in elements have no quenching attribute: >>> ['quenching' in dir(WD.I)] [False] >>> ['quenching' in dir(WD.Na)] [False] Quenching is a property of both the element and the detector. So the quenching attribute is only present if the element is the target of a given experimental set-up. For instance, sodium iodide is the target attribute of the DAMA_LIBRA_2019 experiment: >>> ['quenching' in dir(element) for element in WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019.target.element] [True, True] The argument energy of the diff_rate routine is interpreted as the electron-equivalent energy \(E_{ee}=Q(E_R)E_R\) for elements with a quenching factor attribute. So for a spin-dependent interaction, \(m_\chi\)=20 GeV, a standard halo function in the energy interval 1 keV \(<E_{ee}<20\) keV (linear sample of 100 points): >>> import numpy as np >>> vmin,delta_eta0=WD.streamed_halo_function() >>> e_ee_vec=np.linspace(1,20,100) >>> diff_rate_nai=[WD.diff_rate(target=WD.DAMA_LIBRA_2019.target, hamiltonian=WD.SI, mchi=20, energy=e_ee,vmin=vmin, delta_eta=delta_eta0) for e_ee in e_ee_vec] The curve can be directly plotted using for instance Matplotlib: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as pl >>> pl.plot(e_ee_vec,diff_rate_nai) >>> pl.yscale('log') >>> pl.show() |